
Behind a burning red fog
The great Mind swims in confusion
Its blood ferments
In anger
Honor and Wisdom
Will cower



"Hey, Mr. President. When even the Germans don't want to fight, take the fucking hint."

- the Onion
"This tax relief is for everyone who pays income taxes. ... Ninety-two million Americans will keep this year an average of almost $1,100 of their own money."

One third of all Americans will never see a dime of that tax cut. Half of all taxpayers will get less than $100 from the Bush tax cut. Those who make more than $1 million a year will get an average cut of $92,000. That may average out to $1,100, but it ain't going to the average family. As The New Yorker recently noted, if Bill Gates walked into a soup kitchen serving 60 bums, the average worth of the people in that room would be $1 billion each. But it would still be Bill Gates and 60 bums.

- Molly Ivins on Working For Change