
incredible original


too much coffee

Daily Kos: "In my lifetime I have gone from John F. Kennedy to John F. Kerry, and from Dwight D. Eisenhower to George W. Bush. If that's the evolution of leadership in this country, in just a few more years we'll all be voting for plants. Which might not be so bad. After all, thanks to their ecological purpose in this world, at least plants try to clean up the air. And that would certainly be an improvement over what we've got now."


looks like nixon

First Draft - Afternoon at the Captions: "Re: Afternoon at the Captions (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, April 28 @ 11:05:43 EDT
I've long advocated that there are enough intact brain cells floating around in his cranium that by mere chance there could be occassions that enough of them connect to allow George W to realize what the hell's he's involved with.

Then, of course, they soon go about their merry random dance allowing George W to mount another assault on our collective sanity.



Robot Maximilian

BYO Android Head : Gizmodo


Eschaton: "The shallowest people end up blissfully happy and they are so vapid they don't even realize how vapid they are because vapidity is the only trait that comes with its own impermeable obliviousness system."


not entirely true.... my downloading has all but ceased with a local girlfriend.....

The Porn Myth - Naomi Wolf - Cover Story: "“For the first time in human history, the images’ power and allure have supplanted that of real naked women. Today, real naked women are just bad porn.”"


my ripple continues

My comment was mentioned on Gizmodo today, and the editor of CreateDigitalMusic thanks me for the tip on the DJ Kreemy table!
Economy of Scales: Turntable Furniture : Gizmodo


impact on the ether

I made a ripple on the internet today. Check out the comment i left in this article, the fourth one where i mention the DJ Kreemy turntable stand: createdigitalmusic.com :: Dream DJ Furniture

Then, go to this article, where the editor put up a whole new entry about the table, and thanked the anonymous me for reminding him of it!



Iowa Underground :: View topic - Culture of Life Trading Cards

Iowa Underground :: View topic - Culture of Life Trading Cards: "'These are the fruits of thirty years of culture war. Hell-bent to get government off our backs, you installed a tyrant infinitely better equipped to suck the joy out of life. Cuckoo to get God back in the schools, you enshrined a god of unappeasable malice. Raging against the snobs, you enthroned a rum bunch of two-fisted boodlers, upper-class twits, and hang-em-high moralists. Ain't irony grand.'

- Tom Frank"


red sparowes

Track Listing:
1. Alone And Unaware, The Landscape Was Transformed In Front Of Our Eyes
2. Buildings Began To Stretch Wide Across The Sky, And The Air Is Filled With A Reddish Glow
3. The Soundless Dawn Came Alive As Cities Began To Mark The Horizon
4. Mechanical Sounds Cascaded Through The City Walls And Everyone Reveled In Their Ignorance
5. A Brief Moment Of Clarity Broke Through The Deafening Hum, But It Was Too Late
6. Our Happiest Days Slowly Began To Turn Into Dust
7. The Collapse Crept up Slowly, Like The Sunlight Through The Shutters, As We Looked Back In Regret


christ, the issues iraqi kids are going to have to deal with.....

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