
Below follows an unedited stream of consciousness of my watching the State of The Union, read at your own risk:
Basically, I am excited that he laid out plans for fuel cells and Aids help in africa
everything else, same old crap that won't help, and NOTHING new on iraq, or "terra" in general - He doesn't have a coherent solution, and his fly-by-night plans will cause so much more harm than good. And just watching Cheney back there gives me the creeps.

distinguished citizens, and fellow citizens.
"we have the doody"
every child...that can pay for it.
dhs - underfunded
tax relief - $300?
reforms? Holding them to account?
employ everyone...except the 8% that we don't on purpose
It's so fucking childish - one side stands the other doesn't -
Cheny is practically convulsing behind him, when he says the word "money"
$1,100 is a LIE that is not weighted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He hasn't really said anything yet
big fucking deal - that doesn't help me
401k's dont count - but he doesn't want you to know that
Spending discipline - read:cut schools, build bombs
still pushing privatizing SS...
twisting words, still pushing the privitization of everything! IT WON'T WORK
medical liability reform - tell that to the woman who had a needless masectomy
energy - sounds good...
pollution cut - IS MANDATORY! but he wont tell you
forests - cut 'em all down! That way they won't catch fire! Makes sense
1.2 bn for fuel cells - J f'n C I agree with him
He set a timelime, I dont beleive it... this is encouraging at least
ok, lets move on
back the schwill - faith-based crap
gov't paid mentors, ok i'll bite
did you see his eyes blink talking about drugs
wow - drug Treatment - ok good
too much religion, but treatment is good
partial births - party line, a falsehood that is a lie
no human cloning - fair enough
afghanistan - not as good as it sounds - pretty much a disaster there
Africa AIDS - can't believe he's talking about it, lets see what he offers
Cheny has a "fish clap"
15 bn over 5 years - is that actually more than the UN asked for?
J f'n C!
ok on to "terra"
Cheny just looks so fucking evil! like, eeee-vihl. He stares and stares at W, I can just see his forehead veins popping
what a cold motherfucker - "They're no longer a problem"
buffalo - wasn't a cell
american justice = death or prison with no chance of a lawyer
homeland security - UNDERFUNDED
ballistic missles - we don't need it, they can't stop a box-cutter
I don't want a BushCo injection
threat intervention = TIA???
violence, free peoples...get to the point
ok, the meat
blackmail - already happened - korea
hitlerism, nazism, communism... defeated by the might of america
grow up
defend the safety, however, what you want to do will Lower our safety
are they booing him? or "woo woo-ing" him?
basically, a big f- you to all other nations
iran - didnt really say anything.
korea - oppressive, yes
what about all the treaties YOU pulled out of?
ie, blackmail
we already were blackmailed
"potential" wealth?
where are the 8,000 pages that no one else has seen?
those damn aluminum tubes aren't suitable for nuke production
iraq has let scientists talk without "minders"
let's see some goddamed PROOF of what you're saying
Saddam would never arm terrorists, they'd take him out first
Don't threaten me with a day of "horra"
he had enough sense not to use them last time
dictator assemblimg wrlds most dangerous weapon - YOU
attacked villages with OUR support
I don't beleive the stories you're telling - don't intimidate me
The generals don't stand - they know he's a fool
finish it off with some god nonesense, i don't share your beliefs am i not one of your "Americans"?

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