
I haven't written here in quite a long time, really only because I've been pretty busy, and there is SO much good blogging out there that I just don't have much to add to the impressive display of research and thought going on out there. There is a kind of big-picture conspiracy idea I'm trying to work on - well, not really conspiracy, but there are clues as to the origin and goals of the current right-wing, neo-nazi imperialistic administration that are slowly falling into place in my mind, and I need to get them onto (e-)paper. I think that not quite the beginning but close to it is Prescott Bush (Bush Sr's father)'s association with and funding of the Nazis during WWII and the businesses that were spawned from that. I have an uneasy feeling that the Nixon, Reagan and the Bushes, and I am not kidding, Hitler were pawns in someone or some other group's plan for the future. That sounds crazy, I know, but when the picture becomes clearer it might not be too far off from the truth.

Everyone else is writing fantastic stuff about the current Bush and his idiocy, and I can't compare to the depth and insight, so I'll just list my favorite sites and hope that you read at least a few of them - they are ALL Must Reads!
Working For Change
This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow
Common Dreams
Ted Rall comics
Fanatical Apathy
The Nation

And, what the heck, a little shameless self-promotion:
I play bass in the band Lunch - come see us play live!
DJ Max Cascone - You probably got here from there, but just in case.

Well, that's all for now, I hope to write more soon.

Live For Peace.

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